Dinner is late, and this Great Dane is not happy about it
No one likes to have to wait for food when they’re hungry, and this Great Dane is no different. With hunger comes anger, and Max the Great Dane is one “hangry” dog! 😂
Max has an unbelievable sen…
15 shelter animals who were just adopted show their wonderful ‘after’ faces
There’s nothing better than shelter animals finally getting their forever homes. The shelter is no place to be, and the dogs and cats just sit around waiting on true love and happiness to show up a…
Needy Dog Demands Undivided Attention
This needy but adorable pup Maisie couldn’t have cared less if her human pal was preoccupied with video games. She wanted attention, and she wanted it then and there, at the family home in Kilmarno…
Mom Drives Down The Road, But It’s The Dog In The Backseat You’ll Want To Pay Attention To
An amusing video has emerged of a Shiloh Shepherd dog howling to Queen’s “We Are the Champions” in her owner’s car.
The footage, shot on Wednesday while on a t…
Enjoy A Compilation Of The Cutest Alarm Clocks Ever!
Oh, those pups (though a few of these are other funny pets!) with their wanting to be fed and walked and and played with and such when we’re just trying to get some sleep! 😉
Shared Happiness: Dog Smiles When His Person Smiles
Every dog owner knows their pet picks up on their moods and emotions. This funny golden takes that to the next level! So cute.
Sparky Isn’t Quite Sure What to Think About This Robot Worm
We have to agree with Sparky on this one. That robot worm is quite odd, and we’re not exactly sure what to make of it either… Get ’em, Sparky!
The Life of One Month Old Puppy Was Saved From Drowning In The Canal – He Is Now Hopeful
It’s really sad the poor little puppy just one month old had been fallen into the canal but nobody helped him on time. He’s almost died by drowning in the water even screaming a whole night under t…
He Thinks No One’s Watching When He Kneels Over Old Dog, But Millions Of People Comment Online
Doug Delony went jogging through Discovery Green park in Houston. Something there grabbed his attention, so he snapped a photo. He had no clue the image would go viral and touch the hearts of milli…
Watch Mesa Police Officer Rescue Sparky From A Canal
It began, as these things often do, as a regular walk.
John, a resident of Mesa, AZ, was on a walk with dog, Sparky, when some ducks diverted her attention, inspiring a spontaneous leap into a n…
Sweet Senior Love Goddess Needs a Forever Home!
Venus came to the Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco when her elderly owner could no longer take care of her. Volunteers here have no idea how such a sweet girl hasn’t been adopted yet, b…
Dogs reunite with owners, and the dog’s crying has mom holding back the tears
Anyone who has ever owned a dog knows how hard it is to leave them behind, whether it be to go on vacation or just leaving them behind for a few hours to go catch a movie. But the good part is when…
Stray kitten is found on side of the road and saved by dogs
Rilu the kitten was found on the side of the road at only two months old, and he was scared and very skinny. He was picked up by Howl Of A Dog, but there was one problem: their rescue was full of d…
Family Throws “Bye Bye Party” To Celebrate Dying Foster Dog’s Life
Sometimes a story comes along that is equal parts sweetness and heartbreak. Peanut’s tale is one of tragedy, loss, redemption, and the transformative power of human kindness.
The 10-year-old Jac…