Rescued: Puppies tied up in grain bag and dumped in river
Six puppies, barely old enough to open their eyes were rescued on Sunday morning after having been found by a kayaker. The pups had been tied up in a grain bag and dumped into the river near River …
New life awaits puppy who was abandoned with note in airport
In early July, a tiny puppy was abandoned in the McCarren Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada – accompanying the puppy was a heartbreaking note from his former owner. The Chihuahua, named “Chewy,” had app…
Hikers Rescue Dog Trapped Atop Colorado Mountain for Six Weeks
Chloe had been missing for six weeks. Stuck on top of Mt. Bross, a 14,177-foot peak in Colorado, hikers could hear her cries.
Trinity Smith and her boyfriend, Sean Nichols, belong to a hikin…
Heroic Search Dog Has Helped Save 26 Victims Of Mexico Earthquake
Twenty-six people trapped in the rubble of the Mexico earthquake owe their lives to a dog named Titan. But they may not have been saved by the search and rescue dog if it had not been for the anniv…
Dog Seen Calmly Playing With Kids After Cop Shoots Himself Trying To Kill Her
Stories of police shooting at dogs seem to be all too common, but this particular story played out differently. A police deputy came face-to-face with a Pit Bull but instead of shooting the dog, he…
Dog Seen Calmly Playing With Kids After Cop Shoots Himself Trying To Kill Her
Stories of police shooting at dogs seem to be all too common, but this particular story played out differently. A police deputy came face-to-face with a Pit Bull but instead of shooting the dog, he…
Rescue Dog Opens First Ever Christmas Gift
Kobu has never known what Christmas was. Back in Taiwan, Kobu lived on the streets in a country that isn’t exactly known for having the best track record when it comes to animal rights. He was resc…
Handsome Harold: Easygoing Irma Refugee Needs A Home!
In the days before Hurricane Irma made landfall, shelters all over Florida prepared for what they knew would be an influx of animals by evacuating those already in their shelters to others outside …
Cats Adopt Pit Bull Puppy After His Own Mother Tried To Eat Him
Cats and dogs are deemed as enemies for life. However that surely isn’t the case for Nicolas and his feline friends.
You see, Oliviera’s cats are downright in love with Nicolas. It seems like th…
Pit Bull Tied To A Pole Finds Loving Home And Now Has His Own Patio
A lot of people fell in love with Tater Tot, not only because he is cute but because of his indomitable spirit. So many people applied to be Tater Tot’s new parent!
He already went through so mu…
Dog Became Deformed After Being Caged For Two Years –Now He’s Finally Free
Landis eventually ended up in a shelter. It would have been a bad thing if he had a loving family but considering how he lived, his life in the shelter was heaven. Still, he could not stay there fo…
Dog Steals Empanada Live on Camera During Interview
A Chilean street vendor was being interviewed for the TV news recently when a dog snuck up for a taste of her wares. The talented little thief eases into frame, grabs the corner of a pastry, and ex…
Husky Gets Second Chance At Life
This is Yoshi. Yoshi has had a very hard life. She was basically used as a puppy making factory her entire life. She was kept by a person who had a bunch of huskies and all she did was breed them o…
Dog looses best friend to cancer, finds comfort in stuffed animal
Junior the Border Collie was so sad after he lost his 13 year old best friend to cancer. He stopped playing and just laid around all day looking heart broken. His owners were not ready to get anoth…