Photos That’ll Reinforce Your Love For Dogs
It’s no secret — we absolutely love our dogs. They fill our lives with so much joy and happiness and are by our sides through it all. If you’re not a dog owner, you don’t understand. As dog lovers,…
Quotes To Remind You That Dogs Are The Greatest
These 25 quotes are here to remind you that dogs are the greatest. They will hit home for any dog owner and ring true in the biggest way. Where would we be without them? They truly are man’s best f…
Husky Gets Very Vocal With Mom While Dog Sibling Wonders What The Fuss Is All About
If you’re familiar with Zeus the Husky, you know he’s a very stubborn and vocal dog. I mean, he is a Husky after all! But Zeus ramps it up a notch and may be the most dramatic and difficult dog in …
Men Risk It All To Attempt The Rescue Of A Drowning Dog
Scary situations seem to bring out the best in people, and what these guys do will restore your faith in humanity. With all of the bad going on in the world, it’s nice to see uplifting moments like…
Adoptable Senior Miss Madi Is About To Steal Your Heart…!
Madi, say volunteers at Lionel’s Legacy in San Diego, CA, will be the best girlfriend you’ve ever had!
The ideal combination of super-cuddler and independent woman, this 8-year-old Min-Pin/Chihu…
Dog Who Caused Major Train Delays in San Francisco Now Up For Adoption!
Those of you living in the San Francisco area surely heard the story of the dog who caused major transit delays back on Sept. 27.
The pup, a bully mix of some sort, was found running on the BART…
“…Someone Actually Put Him Here,” Says Rescuer Of Dog Trapped In Canyon
Zak was canyoneering in Arizona when, to his shock and horror, he discovered a skinny pup some 350 feet down in an inescapable hole. Watch this heartbreaking and heartwarming story.
Are Dog Concierges A New Hospitality Trend? We Hope So!
Hospitality workers worldwide may have some competition building in their ranks. And, spoiler alert, it’s not robots they need to be worried about!
We’re kidding, sorta, but really, who among yo…
Dogs & Kids: This Adorable Video Will Have You Laughing Out Loud
Dogs ALWAYS have our backs! But it’s especially cute when they have our babies’ backs, too.
Deaf Shiba Inu Pulled from Muddy Ditch Gets Second Chance in Rescue
Tomomi is a senior female Shiba Inu who was found bald, sick, and stuck in a muddy ditch. A nearby family heard her desperate cries and arranged for her to get out and taken to an animal shelter. T…
Ready To Laugh? Watch These Guilty Pups Get BUSTED!
Those adorable guilty faces! (Makes it a tiny bit easier to clean up after them. Stinkers!)
Jack Russell Terrier Abandoned With Nothing But Heartbreaking Note Attached To Collar
A stray Jack Russell terrier found in a small New Zealand town may not seem like the best candidate for an international marketing campaign, but the message tagged to his collar is helping others t…
I Filmed My Dog’s Emergency C-Section
I filmed my dog’s emergency c-section, and made it into a birth movie.
A couple of days before her due date she lost some mucus. We knew this meant she was contracting and we were keeping a clos…
At your service: the dogs who make lives better
War changes people. It can change people down to their very core. War can be overwhelming and impactful… it’s impossible to avoid an indelible mark. Men and women return home from war, but the war …