Golden Retriever Hilariously Refuses To Give Up Pacifier, Has Giant Meltdown
As much as babies love their pacifiers, dogs love them just as much or maybe more! Of all the dog pacifier videos we’ve seen, the pooches just flat out refuse to give them up. But then there’s this…
Rare Kitten Born With ‘Two Faces’ Grows Up Into The Most Beautiful Cat Ever
We usually stay away from two-faced people, but there’s nothing more adorable than a kitty with two-toned fur. Recently, professional animal photographer Jean-Michel Labat shot Narnia, an adorable …
Dog Is Left In Crate When Family Moves Without Her, Still Finds It In Herself To Trust People
When Janine Guido, the founder of Speranza Animal Rescue, first laid her eyes on Pamela she saw a broken dog. She got a call from a local realtor saying that a dog was going to wind up homeless sin…
Man Saves Frozen Kitten That Everyone Else Ignored— The Transformation Is Incredible
Living on the streets is hard enough, but being homeless in the winter is particularly brutal. Last winter, a 6-month-old stray cat was freezing on the side of the road. The subzero temperatures me…
Ready For Heartwarming! Dog Found Frozen To The Ground Now Awaits Adoption
They named her Frozen, an apt moniker for the pit bull mix Saginaw police found frozen to the ground last month as she desperately clung to life.
Frozen recovered well at the shelter according t…
Rescuer Never Dreamed Scary-Looking Street Dog Would End Up So Beautiful
A little dog named Frodo was found all alone on the streets, and it’s hard to imagine what his life had been like. Extremely neglected, he was a little tough to look at. But who would’ve thought al…
Cat Breaks Dogs Out Of Time-Out— The Video Will Have You Roaring With Laughter
What is life without a best friend? Best friends are some of the greatest people you will ever meet. You share the same hobbies, interests, and sense of humor. When you’re together, you always have…
The Best Pieces Of Clothing For Dogs On Amazon
We hope you love the products we recommend!
1. Help your pup get her ball on with a sports hoodie fit for big dogs.
Promising review: “I went to Petco and PetSmart and only found tons of …
Lonely Street Dog Tried Following People Home, But They’d Kick Him
Scribble was found wandering the streets of Manenberg in South Africa where the homeless dog population is out of control. Not wanting to be like the others, this sweet little guy would try followi…
Mom’s Filming The Baby Taking A Nap When A Nose Pokes Through Beside Him
There’s nothing quite like the bond between a child and their dog. When babies grow up with a pooch by their side, they have a friend and protector for life. Whether it be an adventure to the park …
Pets Learning The Meaning Of Life The First Day In Their Forever Homes
It’s the luckiest day of their lives, and I’m pretty sure they know it. Their first day in a loving forever home means a new beginning, and the overwhelming joy is captured perfectly in the photos …
Dogs Who Turned Around For A Second Only To Lose Their Beds To The Cat
These cats just stole the doggie beds, and the dogs have no idea how to handle the situation. Cats will always get what they want and are not afraid to use their bullying skills to get it! What do …
Senior Dog Steals Hearts To Win Hallmark’s First-Ever “American Rescue Dog Show”
Rescue dogs are at last getting their turn in the show ring! And this year’s winner was 11-year-old Jackie, a senior dog whose story stole the judges hearts. We’re sure her silvery face had somethi…
Veteran Rescues Pit Bull, But He Didn’t Know The Dog Was About To Rescue Him Right Back
A veteran named David wanted a dog, so he went out and adopted a pit bull. He had no intentions of the puppy ever becoming a service dog, but little did David know at the time that the dog he just …