Boss The Doberman Is Known As The ‘Horse Whisperer,’ And You’re Going To See Why
No one would expect a dog and horse to be friends, but that’s exactly what’s going on here. Boss the Doberman is known as the “Horse Whisperer,” and you’re about to see why firsthand. There’s somet…
Cody left behind: Senior pup heartbroken at Miami shelter
Cody was left behind at Miami Dade County Animal Services when his family moved and decided their loyal dog wasn’t invited. A volunteer described the 10-year sweet pooch as follows:
This Woman Was Caught Red-Handed While Dumping Her 4 Dogs, And Got What She Deserved
It’s heartbreaking to find abandoned animals left to fend for themselves. Unfortunately, there are many irresponsible people who throw their pets away, and some don’t even bother to take them to an…
31 Unique Dogs With Unbelievable Fur Markings
From a Puppy Wearing a Mask to a Fancy Moustache Dog and a Dog with Eyeliner here are 31 Unique Dogs With Unbelievable Coats.
Architects Around The World Design Unique Dog Houses And It’s For A Good Cause
Architects, designers, and artists from all around the world have joined forces to participate in this project called “BowWow Haus” which aims to raise funds for the well-being of homeless animals….
Dogs Who Are Willing To Do Whatever It Takes To Keep Their Humans From Going To School
Kids going back to school isn’t just hard on the parents; it’s hard on the dogs, too! These pooches think their human siblings are growing up way too fast and don’t want to let go. Watch as the dog…
Clever Dog Learns That He Can Use A Leaf To ‘Buy’ Treats At The Store
On the campus of Colombia’s Diversified Technical Education Institute of Monterrey Casanare lives a sweet black dog named Negro. He’s called this home for the past five years and sort of watches ov…
Jack Russell Terrier Totally Loses Her Grip When Dad Says The ‘S’ Word
There’s one thing that Callie the Jack Russell Terrier can’t stand in this world. One thing that really burns her up inside and makes her lose her cool. And when Dad mentions this “S” word, the ene…
The dog is playing with his owner
The dog is playing with his owner. Great video, take a look…
Great Dane restlessly waits for cat to finally finish showering
Katie the Great Dane grows impatient as she waits her turn for the shower. It may take some time since it looks like Sid the cat is really enjoying the experience! We’ve all been there before!
Great Dane enjoys relaxing massage from cat
Jack the cat is a great masseuse. Watch as Bella the Great Dane relaxes and yawns while enjoying her cat massage therapy!
Penny Is Rescued From The Worst Life And Taken To A Place She Can Live Her Best Life
The Humane Society of the United States raided a South Korean dog meat farm where they found Penny. The sweet and trusting dog lived her life on the end of a short chain just waiting for that unthi…
German Shepherd Hanging From Balcony By A Chain Rescued Just In Time
A starving German Shepherd found hanging from her neck off a balcony in Egypt is alive today thanks to a fast-acting Good Samaritan and an International rescue effort.
The German Shepherd ha…
Scared Mama And Puppies Elude Rescuers Desperately Trying To Catch Them
When Hope For Paws received a call about a dog who had given birth in an industrial area they didn’t realize they were in for a long and arduous rescue trying to catch the mother and her pups.