Owners Test Their Dogs To See If They’d Defend Them During A Home Invasion
In a recent home burglary, a robber kicked down the door of a home with two dogs. Instead of the dogs teaming up to take him down or chase him away, they took off running instead leaving the owners…
Dogs Load Up In The Van With Their Cat Friend And Head Out For A ‘Happy’ Day
Need a pick-me-up today? This will surely do the trick! In the video below, the dogs load up in the van with their cat friend and head out for a day at the beach. And to top it off? The entire thin…
Rescuers Slowly Approach Injured Pit Bull On Active Railroad Tracks
Hope For Paws received an urgent call about a pit bull hanging out on some active railroad tracks. He was badly injured and needed immediate help. The sheriff stopped the train to allow them to com…
Dumped cardboard box of doomed dead puppies, one little one survived
When a family living in a rural area towards the middle of Georgia went to dump their trash on Monday afternoon, they were shocked and sickened to find a cardboard box of what appeared to be a litt…
Skateboarding Dog Shows Off Her Impressive Skills
It seems that this doggo is a pupper prodigy. By the looks of it, Cali the Bulldog could spend all day in this skate park practicing her skateboarding skills. She’s having the time of her life! Eve…
Cocker Spaniel shows off his cool ball skills
Our amazing Cocker Spaniel shows off his ball skills, playing football on his own.
Corgi shows off impressive basketball skills
Although his legs are short, that definitely won’t stop Air Cooper the Corgi from scoring buckets! Check out his awesome basketball skills that are sure to give Air Bud a run for his money!
This Blind Therapy Dog Helps Children in the Hospital
Harley, the blind therapy dog, puts smiles on children’s faces and shows them they can get through anything. When you see her warm spirit, she’ll make you smile too.
Abandoned Philly Dog Named for Rocky’s Fighting Spirit After Being Left to Die
Sly was up and eating following emergency surgery Tuesday night. And his doctors expect him to make a full recovery.
Dog Severely Injured from Toxic Caterpillars Infesting Britain
The fuzzy white caterpillar may look harmless, but the oak processionary moth (OPM) packs a toxic punch that can cause severe skin rashes, eye irritation, and breathing issues in humans and can…
Senior Dog Missing For 5 Days Rescued From Kentucky River
On Wednesday morning, Darrell Perkins was getting into his van for work and heard what sounded like a distressed dog howl. Perkins knew there was a missing dog reported in the area, and decided to …
Dog Left On The Street To Die After Being Shot In The Side, Rescued Just In Time
Nugget, a sweet 2-year-old dog, was found by animal control on the streets of New York. The dog was brought to the local shelter in bad shape. Her blood pressure was dangerously low, and the staff …
23 Happy Animals To Kick Your Day Off On The Right Foot
What better to wake up to than a smiling face? This list of the 23 happiest animals you’ll ever see is sure to help you start your day off on the right foot! And don’t keep all of the happiness to …
Man Finds Two Holes Coming Into His Backyard, Then Sees Footprints On The Trampoline
A Reddit user woke up to the sight of two holes under his fence leading into his yard. A couple of animals apparently dug their way in the night before and took advantage of the sleeping homeowners…