Puppy is a huge fan of her owner’s singing skills
Lulu gets so happy when her owner sings to her. You can actually see her smiling!
Exhausted dog is too tired to even yawn
Have you ever been so tired that you don’t even have the energy to yawn? This thirteen year old Australian Shepherd is so beyond exhausted that she can’t even muster up a yawn, although she just ke…
Fluffy corgi howls at phone’s alarm tune
For whatever reason, this corgi always howls at the phone alarm when it goes off. Hilarious!
Clumber Spaniel holds toy in mouth during pedicure
An absolutely adorable moment is caught on camera when 4-year-old Wilma preciously holds an elephant stuffed animal in her mouth during a visit to the spa. Too cute!
Excited dog plays with large flying bug
Maggie Mae is having the time of her life playing with what appears to be a dying beetle. Priceless!
Slow motion captures dog learning to swim
11-month-old Enzo the Golden Retriever learns how to swim in this epic slow motion footage. Great job, Enzo!
After 15 Years On A Chain, Neglected Dog Is Finally Being Cut Free
After 15 years on a chain, this dog’s life is just beginning. Bear’s owners gave him up to the Guardians of Rescue who cut him free for the very first time. As of that moment, he was already living…
Her Anniversary Present Was The Puppy She Always Wanted
Do you like surprises? We ask, because there are so many people out there who would much rather have everything under control and be in the know of everything that is happening. Those folks are so …
White Tiger Stalks And Hunts Unsuspecting Caretaker At The Zoo
The natural instincts of this tiger at the Moscow Zoo are put on full display as it stalks down a caretaker on the other side of the glass. Wow!
Bulldog knows exactly how to beat the summer heat
George the bulldog puppy has found the perfect way to have fun and cool off during warm summer days. Pure puppy happiness!
Frustrated dog loses patience with annoying puppy
Maddy has had just about enough of her puppy brother nipping her toes. Not to worry, she really does love him!
Gentle dog allows pet rat to climb all over him
A super friendly English bull terrier has a rat crawl on him for the first time. He adores them and has spent hours looking through the cage until now!
Pug puppy becomes main attraction at office
This is what happens when you take your puppy to work and he ends up being the main attraction. However, all he wants to do is get out and make sure the photos are Instagram worthy! Someone get him…
German Shorthaired Pointer solves puzzle for treats
Reuben loves thinking games. He has to figure out how to move the balls in order to retrieve the treats. You should try with your dog because it’s great for making them smarter!