Cop Can’t Help But Smile While Standing In The Rain Because She’s Saving A Life
A couple in Greenbelt, Maryland, were driving home in a rainstorm when they spotted an amazing act of kindness. In the middle of the road stood a police officer getting drenched by the rain, but sh…
Hope For Paws Finds Kitten In A Sewer And Introduces Her To A Puppy Friend
Hope For Paws received an urgent call from Jessica Cohen about some meowing she heard coming from the sewer under the street. Having just come from another rescue, Eldad and Loreta were more than p…
Two Dogs And A Cat Left Home Alone Show All Other Pets How It’s Done
As much as we don’t like to have to do it, there are times when we have to leave our pets home alone. We do our best to let our dogs know it’ll be okay and that we’ll be right back by training them…
Dogs Wake Toddler And Convince Her To Escape Her Room To Find Them Snacks
Mom woke up one morning at 6AM to find her 15-month-old daughter roaming the hallway. Seeing as the little girl is far too short to reach the doorknob in her room, this was surprising. So the paren…
Eight Golden Retriever Puppies Take On The Challenge Of Swimming For The First Time
It’s summer, and you know what that means: time to swim! Just about everyone loves to cool off by splashing around in the pool, and it turns out dogs are no different. A litter of eight English cre…
Protective German Shepherd saves girl from vacuum cleaner
Loki the 6-month-old German Shepherd comes between this little girl and an “angry” vacuum cleaner in this awesome footage. Good doggy!
Fearless ducking plays with duck tolling retriever
A Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever shares a playful interaction with this frisky duckling. BFF’s forever!
Thankful dog prays with owner before dinner
Lola loves to pray before having dinner every night. She loves this routine and is a very thankful pup!
Puppy is fighting with a water hose
Funny puppy is fightening with a water hose 😀 Take a look! Puppy is fighting with a water hose.
“Puppy Plays With Ball”
“If you have a puppy, then you probably know how stubborn they can act sometimes. For example, this cute pup plays with a ball but his game went wrong as soon as the ball got stuck under his belly….
Puppy playing with ball
The German Shepherd puppy Charon plays here for the first time with the big ball
As you can see he has a lot of fun.
Adorable puppy playing with ball
Oh, how lovely that so. I admire and hug it to sleep. Adorable puppy playing with ball. Take a look!
Puppy likes playing with water
My puppy is crazy about water. 🙂 Puppy likes playing with water. Take a look!
Golden Retriever holds water hose in mouth for puppy
A priceless moment captured on camera! Watch as this 4-month-old Golden Retriever puppy casually drinks from a water hose being held by an older, and larger Golden Retriever.