Cute puppy learning new cool tricks
Cute puppy learning new cool tricks with Charlie the dog and puppy Lilly! I remember that I started to train charlie at the same age as Lilly is now. His first trick was to bring a TV remote, now i…
What Life of a Little Girl Growing with Dogs Looks Like
Many like to say that a dog is a man’s best friend, but it is far more accurate to say that a dog is a child’s best friend. If your children or grandchildren are begging you to get a dog, you may w…
Talkative Parrot Starts A Hilarious Debate With Owners
Anyone who has ever shared their heart and home with a pet will readily tell you all about how much their animals are full of personality, life, and surprises. Each type of pet brings different qua…
Scared Kentucky shelter puppy gets national attention in viral video
When the Morgan County Animal Shelter in West Liberty, Kentucky posted a video of a scared three-month-old puppy as a shelter employee tried to pet the pooch earlier this week, the heartbreaking vi…
Adorable canine thieves outed by postal carrier
Two adorable canine thieves were recently outed by their family’s postal carrier in Isle of Wight County, Virginia. The naughty dogs, Bull and Bear Jordan, crawled into a mail carrier’s vehicle and…
12-year-old Oreo dumped at shelter when he didn’t get along with new husky
Meet Oreo – this 12-year-old senior is doing her best to remain positive, but how can we judge how she feels after the only home she has known for nearly her entire life has been exchanged for a wi…
Great Dane puppy refuses to get off bed
This Great Dane refuses to leave the bed and protests loudly. We can all relate to this dog!
Australian Shepherd pretends to be a reindeer
Blu, the Australian shepherd, meets these reindeers and they all have their first meal together. Priceless!
Pug desperately doggy paddles in shallow standing water
Check out how Monty the pug air-swims while being held over the water. Adorable!
Watch this puppy go into defense mode after seeing mirror reflection!
This pup sees a stranger in the mirror and starts barking at it. Cuteness overload! Credit to @charleemoose
Golden Retriever vocally claims his spot from sibling
This angry pup argues with his sibling about his spot on the couch. Hilarious!
Canine CPR: Cops Show Off Life-Saving First Aid Pooch
Canine CPR: Cops Show Off Life-Saving First Aid Pooch
This terrified puppy doesn’t understand the vacuum yet!
A 10-week-old adorably hides in the corner when the vacuum cleaner is turned on. Check out that face!
Mission Impossible: this dog could be a spy
Hannah found a way to bypass her owner’s attempts to stop her from climbing onto the kitchen counter. The beagle managed to avoid three electric devices (ScatMat) and get to where she wanted to get…