Golden Retrievers Visit Owner In Hospital After Open Heart Surgery
When making a conscious decision to take on a pet dog, many people opt for the Golden Retriever (they are also called “Goldie”). The Golden Retriever is a good-natured breed with aristocratic habit…
Golden Retriever back to regular chores after leg surgery
This Golden Retriever picks up her favorite milk for the first time after surgery. Take a look at how happy she is to be back on her feet!
Hero Dog Jumps In Front Of Rattlesnake To Save His Mom
Paula Godwin was walking her two dogs in Arizona when she almost tripped over something in front of her that she happened to see at the very last second. It was a rattlesnake, and it snapped at the…
All-around ‘happy’ dog lost home because family didn’t want responsibility anymore
At seven years of age, an all-around “happy dog” lost her home because her family no longer wanted to be responsible for her. The heartbreaking upturn in Roxy’s life happened in April and today, mo…
Broken hearts: Tearful farewell caught on video as owner leaves his dog
In the early morning hours at the New Orleans’ facility of Villalobos Rescue Center, broken hearts too often prevail. Dogs are left tied up to the fences in anticipation of the staff finding them i…
Veteran Lays To Rest Hero K9 Who Saved His Life In Afghanistan
“It was probably one of the greatest moments of my life seeing him again,” retired Army Staff Sergeant John Logie recalled the experience of being reunited with his former partner, Balto.
How many dogs does Munchkin the Teddy Bear need?
Can you find Munchkin the Teddy Bear in all these pups?
St. Bernard does something strange when he’s exhausted
After a long walk, Sully is exhausted and often manifests this by pushing an imaging object with his two front paws. Can anyone explain this behavior?
Dog Protects Baby From ‘Angry’ Mother During Training
Our pets are our companions, but you can definitely train your pet to also be yours and your close one’s guardian as well. This woman puts her dog to the test in this controlled training exercise a…
You Won’t Believe How This Newborn Puppy Reacts To A Baby
One of the most heart-warming snuggles you’ll ever witness! Watch a newborn puppy crawl onto this baby for a precious moment captured on camera.
Cat running on slippery floor ends with expected results
Chapy the cat loves to run, but in this instance he may have misjudged his own abilities. Watch what happens when he sprints across a slippery wood floor, and then enjoy it again in brilliant slow …
Rescue Dogs Get A Taste Of The ‘Freedom Field’ For The First Time, And They Love It
Dogs Deserve Better is a rescue and rehabilitation center in Smithfield, Virginia, that focuses on dogs who are chained, penned, or tethered outside and exposed to the elements all day and night.
Hero Quits His Job To Travel The Country And Save All Of The Shelter Dogs
A dog lover named Lee Asher decided to quit his job and sell everything he owned in order to travel the country and save as many shelter dogs as possible. He’d set out with his friend and their six…
Guilty Dog Caught In The Pool By Owner, Tries To Play It Off As If It Never Happened
Baxter the dog thought he’d take a quick, sneaky break from the guard-dog life and hop in the pool for a bit when no one was looking. He deserves it after all, with all those hours spent patrolling…