Adorable Bulldog Enjoys Swing Ride
This adorable bulldog really enjoys his swing ride. Dogs are always in a mood to play, they are very energetic and can’t wait to go outside. They love running and jumping around, but this little on…
French Bulldog delivers adorable puppy eyes
Winston the blue French bulldog works his magic with his precious puppy eyes. Cuteness overload!
Dog Performs Handstand
Info from Licensor: “Louby the Westie performing a handstand on Amelia”
Big dog plays with new born puppy
A new born puppy lays next to an older brown dog. The older dog plays with the puppy.
Fearless tiny puppies refuse to back down from larger bully pup
The big puppy, a Central Asian Shepherd Dog, is having a blast torturing this litter of little Bichon Frise puppies. However, these small guys pack a punch every time they’re cornered and refuse to…
Bulldog Cooling Off In Pick-up Truck
One-year-old bulldog puppy ‘Batman’ cooled off during 35c temperatures – by splashing around in the back of a pick-up truck. The pooch jumped onto the tail bed to enjoy the cool water that had been…
Dog is Scared of Unicorns
Info from Licensor: “I was filling up the pool for my granddaughter and the dog was barking at the Unicorn inflatable.”
5 St. Bernard Puppies in a Basket
These 5 St. Bernard pups (2 girls, 3 boys) were only 4 weeks old when they were rescued. They came from a backyard breeder near Corona, California. The St. Bernard’s mom was malnourished and not ca…
Husky throws temper tantrum for no reason at all
Huskies are notoriously vocal breeds. This guy wants to make a scene for no apparent reason, then he calms himself down. What a goofy dog! Never a dull moment in this household!
Cat Pretends To Fall Hard To The Ground After Being Hit By A Toy Car
There are cats who are incredible scam artists. Most of them actually. But if you have a look at this ball of fluff, you will understand what are we talking about. Like any other cat, this one love…
Guy Tries The “What The Fluff” Challenge On His Pet Duck
The ‘What The Fluff’ challenge doesn’t just apply to dogs anymore. Check out this pet duck’s amazing reaction when owner decides to pull the disappearing act on it! Adorable!
From time to time t…
Man Sees A Figure On The Railroad Tracks And Realizes It’s A Tied-Up Dog
One Sunday morning, Jared Twedell was driving to the local recycling center in his hometown in Oregon when something on the railroad tracks caught his eye. He thought the flicker of movement was a …
Leopard Sneaks Up On Unsuspecting Puppy, But Mom Comes To The Rescue
In India, wild animals roam the landscape and intermingle, and sometimes that means they even venture into residential areas. This can create some scary situations, for obvious reasons. In the surv…
People Say This Cat Has A Human Face, And It’s Hard To Unsee
A two-month-old Maine Coon kitty named Valkyrie has had her pictures posted on her owner’s Instagram page, and people can’t get over the fact that her face is very human-like. And once you see it, …