Dog Comes Across Hammock, Channels His Inner Human To Get Into It
Sometimes you just need a nap. And a hammock can be one of the most comfortable things to catch some Zs in. But they can be a little tricky to get into and back out of. There’s a certain way you ha…
Sweet cat homeless at shelter after death of her owner
A sweet cat, eight years of age, finds herself homeless after the death of her owner. Jessie is now grieving the loss of her beloved person from inside of a cage at the Baldwin Park Animal Care Cen…
Rescue Dogs Having an Amazing Day at Howl Of A Dog Rescue
Helping animals: these adorable rescue dogs, puppies and kitty were saved by Howl Of A Dog organization and some of them are still looking for adoptive homes.
Terrified German Shepherd Puppy Abandoned In The Woods Gets Rescued Just In Time
ZOEY is a homeless puppy rescued from a forest. She was less than 3 months old when we found her, was very lethargic and weak and her fur was all covered in fleas. Now Zoey is a happy-go-lucky litt…
Homeless Dog Locked Up in a Cage for 4 Years Gets the Rescue of a Lifetime
Kara is an old dog rescued by Howl Of A Dog organization. Having grown up homeless on the streets and then being locked up in a cage for 4 years, this sweet dog really had a tough life. Kara is cal…
Homeless Dog Living in Parking Lot Finds Perfect Home 5000 Miles Away. A Dog’s Happy Ending Story
Zuzi was a homeless dog rescued by HOWL OF A DOG. Her rescue video, that some of you have maybe already watched, had been seen also by this wonderful family from Canada…
Abandoned Senior Dog Left To Die Makes Amazing Recovery Rescued By Howl Of A Dog
Howl Of A Dog Rescue Video Bandit is an old dog rescued by Howl Of A Dog from a Romanian public pound where he had been abandoned due to his old age and a large tumor he h…
Sad Homeless Dog Rescued From a Road – Minnie’s Happy Ending Story
Minnie was a sad homeless dog rescued by Howl Of A Dog from the streets ( Very gentle, affectionate, cuddly, friendly and playful, she just can’t get any sweeter and would make …
Abandoned Puppy Grateful To Be Rescued Doesn’t Know Why No One Wants To Adopt Him
HOWL OF A DOG Rescue: puppy found abandoned is saved and needs forever home–Puppy Growing Up TimeLapse Video from day one to 9 months old. Taz and his siblings were found near a countryside road. T…
Over 200 Dogs Rescued From Death Row
Rescuers encountered a heartbreaking scene of rows and rows of rusty metal cages filled with dogs shaking in fear. Their food and water bowls were empty and no bed in sight. Hundreds of dogs that w…
Man Swims Through Polluted River For Cat
People become heroes when they risk their lives to save an animal or person in need. To us, there is no better kind of hero than an animal rescuer.
A man in Bangkok, Thailand, who was not the st…
Veteran Overcomes Grief Of Missing One Pet When He Meets A Mature One Who Shares His Favorite Pastime
When an Army veteran named Joseph lost his best friend, retired life became grim.
A former infantryman and airborne soldier, Joseph was deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan. For years after he …
Golden Retriever Comes Home With Baby Koala Clinging To Its Fur To Survive
If not for one heroic Golden Retriever, a lost and frightened baby koala might have died.
Asha, the hero in question, likely picked up the koala after it fell out of its mother’s pouch, the Dail…
Your Donations Are Keeping Animals Alive And People Hopeful After Florence Devastation
Hurricane Florence drenched the Carolinas when it landed in mid-September. Along with damage to homes, buildings, and thousands of square miles of critical infrastructure, a number of people lost t…