Chihuahua chows down on tasty banana
Ryder tries a banana for the first time. Looks like he really likes it!
Border Collie saves stuffed animal from vacuum cleaner
This pup puts his fears aside in order to save his toy duck from the evil vacuum cleaner. He’s a hero!
Bella unnoticed in shelter for three and a half years
One of the worst things in life is to feel unwanted and unloved. Imagine life through the eyes of a shelter dog, watching life go by from the other side of the cage door; no one to play with, and w…
Two puppies found alive in trash dumpster behind Texas grocery store
On Friday afternoon, two puppies were found in a trash dumpster behind a Texas grocery store. They were alive and just dumped and left to die. The staff at the rescue organization, San Antonio Pets…
E-listed dog – Coco has given up after being surrendered by family
It has only been a week, but a sad dog has already given up after being surrendered to a busy Texas animal shelter. Four-year-old Coco, a Labrador retriever mix, was surrendered to the Corpus Chris…
No help from police as Bear the dog left in flooded kennel for days
In Blue Springs, Missouri, a dog named Bear languished in his flooded kennel enclosure for three days, and according to the neighbor, the Blue Springs Police Department would not remove the dog fro…
Intentionally starved ‘Champ’ officially adopted: ‘I’m going home’
The intentionally starved dog “Champ” had a joyous announcement on Friday morning. Who can believe the Laurens, South Carolina dog, whose photo of him curled up in the dirt starving, near death and…
Dog Fakes Injury for Food
Info from Licensor: “This cute funny dog is pretending to be disabled in order to get around the street and ask for food, lol. He looks very funny. After I threw a few ice-blocks at him, he stood u…
Small black french bulldog walking big black brown dog pink leash
Small black french bulldog walking big black brown dog pink leash.
Baby Has Engrossing Conversation With Her Patient Bulldog
Having a friend to talk to is always a good thing, even if all that friend can do is listen attentively. Our pets fit this profile perfectly, because they feel our need to get something off our che…
Jack Russell Terrier Closes Door To Hide Its Guilt
Check out what 4-years-old Ari does when her owner scolds her for being a bad doggy. Priceless!
Another hilarious pup video! Everyone loves a funny pet moment, and this one takes the cake!
Beagles Crammed in Small Home Are Finally Safe
“It is beagle-mania here right now.” That’s how humane society police officer Barbara Morgan described the influx of 71 beagles into a shelter in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
The Lehigh County H…
Deer Abandoned By Mother Befriends Great Dane
When an orphaned fawn appeared near the home of Isobel Springet, she had no way of knowing that the deer would form a friendship with her dog that would be love and cherished around the world.
Man Approaches His Lost Dog Of Three Years, And The Dog Starts Crying Tears Of Joy
Giorgi Berejiani’s dog, Jorge, went missing from his home in Tbilisi, Georgia, three years ago. He looked all over for his best friend. And as the days turned to months and the months turned to yea…