Soldier Mom Wasn’t Sure If Dog Would Remember Her After 10 Months Apart
Casandra Cabrera had been deployed overseas with the U.S. Army for the past 10 months but was finally on her way back home to see the family she’d missed so much. But would her dog even remember he…
Dog Runs For 30 Blocks On Broken Leg Before Rescuers Catch Up To Him
Hope For Paws received a call about a dog who’d been hit by a car and was walking around on a badly broken leg. When they arrived they could tell he was in immense pain. But they had to be careful …
Dog can’t figure out what just happened to “lost” snowball
The poor little guy just can’t figure out what happened to it! Dog can’t figure out what just happened to “lost” snowball.
Puppy knows how to gather a crowd at the airport
“Hey dad, I am just going to go over here and see how many people I can attract ok! Last time I hit an amazing amount of 12.” This is what Ester the Schnauzer Poodle puppy definitely had going on i…
Howling puppy tries to imitate sound of passing sirens
Marley howling at the sound of sirens is the cutest videos you’ll see all day. Enjoy!
Some of These Dogs are Not Like the Others
Info from Licensor: “A group of friends who own Golden Retrievers, along with a friend who owns a Bernese, were in the mall to see the Christmas decorations with the Golden’s tree. In order to part…
Heartbroken dogs stayed with their dead owner until police arrived
On Friday, Sally and Jack became the saddest dogs in the world. The heartbroken pair lost their treasured human after staying with him until police arrived to find the man’s dead body. The dogs cri…
Surrendered dog shakes in fear – too scared to walk
A dog, surrendered to an animal shelter in South Carolina, is so terrified that he shakes in fear and is unable to walk. The heartbreaking situation was brought to light on the Friends of Fairfield…
Owner surrenders 20 Chiweenies found inside of his home
In Hialeah, Florida, a man had been keeping 19 Chiweenies inside of his home. Now officials are hoping the dogs and puppies all will get homes. Miami-Dade Animal Services is currently caring for th…
Police officers adopt dog who was left for dead after being shot
A dog who was shot and left for dead is finally realizing her happily-ever-after. Cupcake, named for her incredibly sweet personality, was rescued from a ditch in Hillsborough County, Florida – she…
Olive and Chopper: Best buds whose owner never came back
Meet Olive and Chopper; they are best buds and had been on a “possible owner” hold, but no one ever came to find them at the Harbor Animal Care Center in San Pedro, California.
According to the …
Shelter pleads for help after puppy stolen from adoption center
A non-profit animal shelter in Utah has reached out to the public for help following the theft of a puppy who was stolen from the adoption center. On Friday, the Humane Society of Utah explained:
A dog with a broken leg ran 30 blocks in extreme pain until…
This rescue was quite challenging. Echo was in so much pain, but he was so scared and he wouldn’t surrender to us. Loreta and I ran so far we couldn’t even tell anymore if we’re running north, sout…
Hope For Paws going dumpster diving to save kittens thrown like trash
Sardine, Salmon and Squid were so lucky that someone heard them cry and called Hope For Paws for help. There was way for these kittens to get into the trash bin without being thrown in deliberately…