Rescued Lambs Dance Together When They’re Happy
Rescued Lambs Dance Together When They’re Happy | These little lambs love to dance in the house and snuggle under the covers with their mom 💞
Dog Hides Her Puppies In A Hole
Dog Hides Her Puppies In A Hole | This stray mother dog dug a deep hole in the ground to hide her puppies from coyotes 💜💜💜
Rescued Chimp’s Dolls Make Her Feel Safe – FOXIE
Rescued Chimp’s Dolls Make Her Feel Safe | This rescued chimp has over 100 troll dolls because they make her feel safe.
Seagull tangled in fishing line and a rubber around his neck is rescued!
So many animals owe you their lives because you support our organization. If you can, please make a small donation and help us continue this work also in 2019.
Dog is Ready to Ride
Info from Licensor: “So this is my boy, Rosco P. Coltrane. I rescued him from the Butler Humane Society in 2014 when I was laid off. We spent 6 months together, all day, every day.
One day I go…
Puppy confused by mannequin head wearing wig
Check out this puppy’s epic reaction to a wig on the head of a mannequin. Too funny!
Embarrassed dog totally betrayed by Christmas outfit
Abby’s sense of betrayal is obvious. She’s so offended by the ill fitting outfit! Hilarious!
Corgi happily slides down snowy hill
Chivas the corgi from Moscow loves to eat, sleep, and play with a ball. In winter he is crazy about snow and loves to slide!
Sleeping dog experiences intense dream
What is Rabbit dreaming about? We can only guess!
Frozen Kitty Gets A Second Chance At Life
On a cold winter day when the temperature outside was -30 degrees Celsius, this couple found a cat that was frozen to the ground and immediately took some action, to save this little guy’s life. Th…
White German Shepherd Motherly Cares For A Baby Goat
Introducing two animals of different kingdoms can present itself to be quite the challenge, but if performed properly and carefully, it can be a very rewarding experience.
Most of the times, pe…
Labrador Abandoned In The Desert Was Too Scared To Accept Help
Hope For Paws received a call about an abandoned Labrador in the desert and set out immediately. They were told the dog kept crossing the highway in search of food, and the rescuers spotted her hid…
Dog Tied To A Railing And Abandoned Along With Pizza And A Sad Note
A puppy was found in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, tied to a railing and abandoned with pizza and a sad note. It was Justin Hanley who found the dog as he walked out his front door one day. He spotte…
Dog Finds Way To Calm Friend Getting His Nails Clipped At The Vet
No one likes going to the doctor, and it’s the same for dogs when going to see the vet. To stay relaxed, you either need to be distracted by something or have the familiarity of a loved one or frie…