Woman Spends 3 Years Trying To Catch Stray Dog
Woman Spends 3 Years Trying To Catch Stray Dog | This stray dog refused to be caught for 3 years — but the woman who loved her never gave up 💜
Paralyzed Kitten Is Sassiest Cat Her Foster Mom’s Ever Seen – RAVEN
Paralyzed Kitten Is Sassiest Cat Her Foster Mom’s Ever Seen – RAVEN | Vets said this paralyzed kitten should be put down — but her foster mom could see that her amazing life was just beginning 💖
Magician Performs Tricks For Shelter Dogs, And They Don’t Know What To Believe
In order to help get the dogs at the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter adopted, TBS brought in a little magic of the holidays just to show how full of life these amazing dogs really are. Magician Jo…
Officer Finds And Saves Dog Chained To A Door, And Then She Gives Him That Look
NYPD officer Joshua Sailor was on the job when he saw the saddest sight: a puppy tied to a door with chains providing just enough room for her to stand up. The eight-month-old pit bull had no food …
Abandoned Dog Family Hid In A Field Wondering If They Could Trust Anyone
Hope For Paws received a call about an abandoned family of dogs in a dense vegetation field. It was a hot day, and the dogs didn’t trust the rescuers, so Loreta and Eldad had to come up with a uniq…
Girl Overcomes Fear Of Dogs To Save One Being Pelted With Rocks By School Kids
A 16-year-old girl named Anita Valkova stepped in to save a helpless dog when no one else would. She had always been afraid of dogs, but she knew that she had to help when she saw an injured dog be…
160-LB Puppy Turns Into A Lap Dog When His Human Brother Returns Home
There’s nothing like a reunion with a furry friend! And when Jason Floyd, 19, returned home after being away at Army basic training for three months, he received a warm welcome he wasn’t quite prep…
Sweet, Neglected Dog Ends Up So Beautiful In The Right Hands
The Humane Society of the United States rescued a dog named Emma from a large-scale cruelty case along with nearly 90 other animals. She was suffering from ear infections, a skin infection, and she…
Boarded-Up Doghouse Was Found And Pried Open On Side Of The Road
This story takes us back a couple years ago to when a man in southern Los Angeles found a doghouse in the left lane of traffic that was nailed shut with a board over the opening. He contacted the p…
HOLIDAY RESCUE – rescuer was bitten by TWO DOGS but wouldn’t let go!!!
Stella and Falabella was challenging, it took place on a very hot day, and it was in a huge open area with many dangers all around… from cars, to the train and many coyotes in the area. Luckily, …
Woman Spends 3 Years Trying To Catch Stray Dog
Woman Spends 3 Years Trying To Catch Stray Dog | This stray dog refused to be caught for 3 years — but the woman who loved her never gave up 💜
Rescue Pittie Talks To Her Mom Nonstop
Rescue Pittie Talks To Her Mom Nonstop | This goofy, talking rescue pittie lifted the weight of the world off her mom’s shoulders 🐶 💚
Crazy Animal Encounters That Led To Amazing Rescues
These people all had the craziest animal encounters — and they all ended in incredible rescues! The group working together to save the giant manta ray is amazing 👏
Woman Returns To South Africa To Save Her Favorite Lion
Woman Returns To South Africa To Save Her Favorite Lion | This woman volunteered to help animals in Africa — and ended up raising baby lions to be killed. It happens all the time, and most tourists…