Dog attempts “Bird Box Challenge” with hilariously cute results
This US dog owner decided to give his pooch the so-called “Bird Box Challenge” by gently blindfolding the pet and seeing it if to could find its way to a tasty treat.
After a bit of confusion an…
Hilarious Dog Is Persistently Pawing At An Office Window
Everyone can identify with the feeling this dog is having right at the moment when this video was taken. It is first thing, maybe 8:00 am, on a Monday morning. You just got to work and it’s just th…
A dog collapses and faints right in front of us… I have never seen anything like it.
This is why we need your help… emergency care is extremely expensive and we just can’t do it without you.
Frenchies Are Just The BEST
Frenchies Are Just The BEST | We don’t deserve French bulldogs 💜 💜 💜
Dog Thinks Going To The Vet Is The Greatest
Special thanks to Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for this adorable story!
Family Finds A Stranded Snapping Turtle
Family Finds A Stranded Snapping Turtle | How to rescue a snapping turtle 😱
Raccoon Won’t Leave Guy’s Yard
Raccoon Won’t Leave Guy’s Yard | When you want someone to leave and are trying so hard to be nice 😂
This Cleftie Kitten Is A Teeny-Tiny Superhero
This Cleftie Kitten Is A Teeny-Tiny Superhero | This very special little kitten told her foster mom her life was worth fighting for 💪
Determined pup drags his bed through doggy door
Bo the 4-month-old Australian Shepherd puppy didn’t want to sleep outside so dragging his cushiony bed inside through the doggy door.
In the clip, filmed on January 5 in California, Bo can be se…
Dog breastfeeds calf after mother cow falls sick from eating plastic
This is the touching sight of a hungry calf drinking milk from a dog.
A cow fell sick after eating plastic bags at a garbage dump in Shirur, Maharashtra, India, on January 10.
As local reside…
Stray Dog’s Owner Didn’t Want Him Back Because He Got A New Dog
Hope For Paws set out to rescue a homeless dog from the streets. The dog only had one eye, and he tried to take refuge at a home with a dog he was interested in. When the rescuers arrived, they saw…
9 filthy, matted dogs dumped in West Des Moines shelter parking lot
In West DesMoines, Iowa, a man was videoed leaving 9 filthy, matted dogs in the shelter parking lot at Furry Friends Refuge. The dogs were so severely matted, they couldn’t walk.
According t…
70 police dogs and community honor K-9 Officer Bane’s memorial
Hundreds of police officers, community members and more than 70 police dogs gathered in the South Valley of Tulare, California on Wednesday to honor the life of K-9 Officer Bane with the Tulare Pol…
Baby Bear Can’t Keep Up With Family Crossing The Road, So A Cop Tries To Help
A bear family was seen trying to cross the road, so a cop pulled over to help out. He noticed the family continuously walking back and forth and soon realized they were trying to go back to get a c…