This Car Seat Cover Is Loved By 4,000+ Dog Parents, But Also Please Look At These Pictures Of Good Boys
Attention, parents of good boys who like to go for rides! This waterproof seat cover is about to make those rides so much smoother (for you, your pups, and your car).
It’s designed to protect …
Man Recovering From Surgery Wakes To Snuggling Cat — But He Doesn’t Own A Cat
Sometimes animals just know when we need some comforting. And what better than a hug when we’re down in the dumps? Our pets can sense this somehow. But in the case below, a man recovering from surg…
Stray Dog Found At The Border Needed A Lot More Than Food In His Life
Hope For Paws received a call about a homeless dog who was abandoned on the U.S./Mexico border. The dog was sick and needed immediate care. After a very long drive, Eldad arrived at the rescue loca…
Microchipped Dog No Longer Wanted By His Owner Found In The Bushes
Hope For Paws was contacted in the middle of the night to rescue a dog found in the bushes. The stray was scared and wouldn’t let anyone near, so they set up a barricade. The rescuers proceeded to …
Man Brags That His Dog Can Grab Him A Beer, But The Other Guy Has The Last Laugh
Budweiser has a history of making amazing commercials full of dogs and Clydesdales to be played during Super Bowls. And in the classic one here, they struck comedic gold!
When the two men and th…
Golden Retriever Parents Adorably Watch Over Their Newborn Pups
If there’s anything humans and animals could possibly agree on and relate to, it’s the fact that family is everything. Paternal instincts and guardianship are embedded in nearly every species, and …
Stray Was Found As Basically Bones Before His True Beauty Is Revealed
Whether it’s a dog, human, or any other creature roaming the Earth, sometimes all that’s needed is a chance. A chance to shine, a chance to thrive… and sometimes a chance to SURVIVE. That’s exactly…
Lost Dog 130 Miles Away From Shore Is Exhausted When Found By Oil Rig Workers
Oil rig workers in Thailand were taken back when they saw what looked like a puppy’s head in the water swimming toward them. At 130 miles away from shore, could it really be? One of the workers, Vi…
Tiny Kitten Checks Out Ice Cube Before Impatient Husky Intervenes
Now this is cute! A tiny kitten named Haiiro is checking out an ice cube as Fox the Husky watches closely. But the dog quickly grows impatient and nudges the kitty aside to show him what ice is for…
Fans Flock To Meet The Real Dogs Who Play Direwolves In Game Of Thrones
As the HBO hit show Game Of Thrones becomes more and more popular, so do Thor and Odin. Fans from all over are flocking to Northern Ireland to meet the real-life dogs who star as direwolves in the …
Adorable Stray Puppy With Tick Infestation Gets The Turnaround He Deserves
AnimalSTEP is an organization always striving to save innocent animals from early death or a life of misery. The video below is one such example. From their description:
“This poor soul was born…
20 Photos That Show How Life Is With More Than One Pet
Having a pet is one of life’s greatest gifts. So what about having more than one? The animal lovers inside us say the more the merrier! As you’ll see in the 18 photos below, it can be a handful at …
One-Day-Old Baby Is Found Outside Of A Grocery Store, And Woman Scoops Him Up
A tiny kitten was abandoned at a grocery store, and CaliCatlady101 took the little guy in and documented his rescue on imgur. Their story is sure to make you smile.
Ollie was only one day old wh…
Woman Spent Her Last Penny To Help A Bunch Of Homeless Dogs In Need
A Turkish woman named Sebahat gave up everything to be able to help homeless dogs in need as she feels it’s her calling in life. When she saw hundreds of weak dogs needing food and shelter, she cha…