Dog’s So Happy To Be In A Home After 2,381 Days In The Shelter
Higgins was a long-term resident at The Humane Society of Preble County, but the executive director, Leslie Renner, refused to give up on getting him out of there. And the dog wasn’t about to give …
Dog Hilariously Deals With Puppy Sibling Who Keeps Barking In His Face
Dogs are going to bark, and babies are going to cry. But we all have our breaking points. The dog in the video below has had enough of his loudmouth puppy sibling, and he has the perfect solution f…
Dog Abandoned Along With Sad Note, But It Wasn’t His Owner Who Dumped Him
A dog was found tied to a dumpster in a Walmart parking lot in South Carolina. It looked like the typical animal dump, but there was more to this story.
A picture of the six-year-old Terrier mix…
Dogs Take In And ‘Adopt’ A Little One Who Was Down On His Luck
Almost too frail to be picked up, Salvador was just skin and bones when found. Rescuers gave the starving stray some food and carefully grabbed him after wrapping him with a sheet. He was nervous i…
Dog waits for people to walk by, then rolls ball to them
Abby loves to play fetch. She lives on a busy road that is one of the main beach roads to beach access. She waits patiently on the porch for people to walk by and will roll her ball to them so they…
Rude cat humorously wakes up owner
Do you have a problem getting out of bed in the morning? You wake up, hit snooze a couple of times, and then contemplate your existence and whether or not you should drag your butt from under the w…
Spoiled Doberman not ready for ride to be over, throws tantrum
Kruz is a 5 year old American Doberman Pinscher. His owners live in rural West Virginia and keep him in the house with them. He has become spoiled. He loves to run and explore like many other dogs,…
Lotus The Maine Coon Is One Big Floofball Of A Kitty
Lotus is a big boy, and the giant Maine Coon cat has taken the internet by storm with his extraordinary looks. It’s not often we think of cats being as big as dogs, but Lotus is one who could give …
Mom Peeks In Bedroom To See The Kid Isn’t The Only One Sleeping In The Crib
Mom couldn’t find the dog anywhere and even looked outside for him. But she came back in the house and took a peek in the kid’s room to see the sweetest thing. Addison wasn’t the only one napping i…
The Dog’s The Most Excited One In The House When Family Gets A New Puppy
This family just brought home a new puppy, and of course the dog’s the most excited one in the entire house! And why wouldn’t he be? Now he has a little companion in the form of a puppy sibling to …
Street Dog Found On Death’s Doorstep Transformed In Only Two Weeks
Animal Aid Unlimited received a call about a street dog with a life-threatening injury. When rescuers approached, they saw the deep wound: an infected slash going all the way down his neck. No one …
Matted Dog Found Locked In A Small Crate Gets A New Look And New Life
PETA fieldworkers came across a neglected, matted dog who was kept locked up in a small crate in a dark hallway. They wanted nothing more than to rescue him, and his family finally agreed to give h…
John McCain’s family dog tragically drowned when stuck in pipe
In Phoenix, Arizona, John McCain’s dog who was always at his side prior to the senator’s death, died in a tragic accident. Burma, a Chesapeake Bay retriever, died in April when she got trapped in a…
Doggie School Bus Picks Up All Of The Pups And Takes Them To ‘School’
There is a school bus for dogs, and it picks them up and takes them to an outdoor doggy daycare in West Linn, Oregon. Arat Montoya, owner and creator of the Doggy School Bus, has around 300 custome…