Paralyzed Dog Able To Muster Up The Energy To Wag His Tail Upon Being Rescued
Khan had a rough start to life and was eventually tossed aside like a pile of garbage. He was left paralyzed beside a stream unable to fend for himself. But he’d never give up, and a second chance …
Determined Dog Stays on Hind Legs for as Long as It Takes to Steal Some Oreos
Max the goldendoodle has a very specific taste in biscuits which means when his owners are away, the dog spends a large amount of time scouring the countertops of their kitchen in Ardsley, New York…
Awkward Dog Relieves Itself Awkwardly
“This is how my dog goes to the bathroom. So funny!” Awkward Dog Relieves Itself Awkwardly.
Penny Protects Her Turf From Pooch
“Penny is a conure that has been with my family for almost 1 year. We got her when she was only a baby and slowly she became best friend with Annie the dalmatian. All the dogs in the house are afra…
The First Playdate For These Two Puppies Is Off-The-Charts Adorable
If there’s anything in this world cuter than a puppy, it’s multiple puppies playing together! Puppies, like children, get a lot out of social interactions and the enrichment these types of activiti…
People See Young Fox’s Foot And Refuse To Let Him Suffer
Citizens of Cudahy, Wisconsin, have grown attached to family of foxes in the area and were horrified to see one baby in pain. The fox was seen stumbling around town with a rat trap crushing his fro…
Police Dog Is On Duty When He Comes Across His Longtime Idol
It’s not every day you get to meet your idol. And if and when that day ever comes, you just have to take a moment to let that person know how much they’ve influenced your life decisions. And that’s…
Sleepy Dog Can’t Help But Sing Along With Her Favorite Song
Some songs just resonate with us. And no matter our mood at any given time, one of these songs can lift us right up! You could be having the worst day ever when you hear your favorite tune and ever…
Mama Dog Makes Sure Puppies Are Safe By Hiding Them In A Hole In The Ground
A Facebook post from a man wanting to give away a dog and her nine puppies resulted in the community stepping in to save the dogs.
Nana is only four years old but has already given birth to thre…
Doing a Duet with the Dog
A guy and his dog sing together sweetly. Doing a Duet with the Dog…
Dog Who Was Lost For Years Is Overjoyed To See His Owner Again
An animal shelter in Ukraine took in a big dog with blue eyes who looked pretty rough from life on the streets. He was emaciated and his body covered in a mangy coat. Volunteers wanted nothing more…
Mailman’s Hunted Down Every Day By Neighborhood Cat Who Just Wants To Be Petted
Mailman Levi Davis is greeted every day on his route by a friendly neighborhood cat. The sweet feline will chase him down and jump into the mail basket just to be petted.
The video is making its…
Dog Sees Her Dad After A Long 6 Months, Won’t Stop Talking To Him
There’s nothing like a reunion between family members after a long time apart. And dogs always respond the best to these homecomings! Their owners mean the world to them, and surprise reunions alwa…
Mama Duck Watches Patiently And Carefully As Firefighters Rescue Her Babies
Any good mother will do absolutely anything for her offspring, no matter the specie. As far as they’re concerned, it’s their one and only purpose in this world. When it comes down to it, a mama wil…