People Couldn’t Get Close To This Stray, But A Little Girl Would Get Through To Her
Just two days after she was adopted, Daisy escaped her new home. As she roamed for two months, people fed her but couldn’t catch her. It would take a 6-year-old girl to get through to her and do th…
Dog Saves Girl Trying To Retrieve Ball, Goes Into Water To Get It Himself
Dogs are Man’s Best Friend and guardians and protectors of their family. They are very loyal, and if they sense something is wrong with a loved one, they will act on it. They especially take on thi…
16 Cat Signs From Vets With Great Senses Of Humor
“Cats ears are built to allow the human voice to go in one ear & out the other”
“I dressed my dog as a cat. Now he won’t come when I call him”
“Petting a cat will leave you feline good”
Mama Fox Takes Food From Woman’s Hand, Leads Her To Her Babies
A woman in Israel has known this friendly fox for a while, and the beautiful creature takes food right from her hand. But over the spring, the vixen had a litter of four kits. Now Mama takes the fo…
Dog Sneaks Onto News Set For His 15 Minutes Of Fame
A live Russian news broadcast was interrupted for a very important announcement: dog!! A friendly black dog wandered onto the set and got his 15 minutes of fame and then some. Sometimes it’s just n…
Owner Doesn’t Want Pups And Abandons Them On Busy Street To Become Roadkill
Andrei Matei was on his way home one day when a small puppy ran in front of him on the road. He panicked and hit the breaks and got out to check on the little one. He was surprised when he saw two …
Doll Tumbles To The Floor, And Dog Cares For It As If It’s A Real Baby
Sandy is a very caring and motherly dog. Her maternal instincts kick in even when her favorite doll seems to be in any kind of trouble. Her family set out to document this by staging the doll falli…
Puppy Just Stared At The Wall In The Shelter For Days After His Rescue
A puppy named Marley was found on the road next to the corpse of his dead mother. She’d been hit by a car and lay there for days, and he refused to leave her side. Marley was scared and didn’t trus…
Dog Pulled From A Life Of Neglect Is Shown A Bed For The First Time
Angel was confiscated from her owners for severe neglect. The dog’s mange and burn marks only told part of the story. But Sidewalk Specials was ready to start the healing process.
Angel arri…
Rescue Dog Settles Into New Life Only When She Finally Gets Her Own Toy
Nicole Marie Wasieleski, volunteer at the Animal Rescue League of Iowa, didn’t think she’d be adopting another dog anytime soon. But that changed when she saw a sweet gray face all alone in her ken…
10 Moms Who Wanted Nothing To Do With The Dog But Came Around Soon Enough
These moms wanted nothing to do with being the owner of a dog, but soon enough they came around in very big ways! They are now proud dog mamas who have made complete 180s after experiencing the lov…
Bulldog Found Abandoned Outside Of A Shelter In A Tiny Cat Crate
The staff at Almost Home Animal Rescue League and Haven came into work one morning with a surprise awaiting them. And they couldn’t believe what someone had done…
A security camera at a Michigan…
Owner Leaves Dog In Hot Car, Dashboard Quickly Fires Up To 158-Degrees
Apparently it needs to keep being said: never leave your dogs in a vehicle on a warm day! A man in Pooler, Georgia, is facing animal cruelty charges for leaving his dog in his hot car for 25 minute…
Dog Became Trapped In His Puppy Collar Because His Family Never Checked On Him
One family got a puppy and never cared to check up on him. He grew up into an adult dog, and he outgrew the puppy collar they’d originally put around his neck. It cut into the poor thing’s skin, an…