Dog Falling From 9th Floor Balcony Is Saved Thanks To Passerby
Mel the Shih Tzu was playing on the 9th floor balcony of her home in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, when she climbed onto the railing and couldn’t get down. A fall to the ground would surely be the death …
Rescuers Want To Help Stray In Schoolyard, But She Puts Up A Fight For Her Life
Hope For Paws received a call about a homeless dog who was staying at a schoolyard. Since school was out for the summer, she felt comfortable there all alone. Rescuers arrived to find her hiding in…
Dogs Show Off Table Manners As Dad Hands Out Their Food Bowls
The dogs gather around when they see Dad with the food bowls, and their patience is a result of their unbelievable table manners. I’ve never seen such obedient dogs — wait until you see them in act…
Mom Gets Obituary Published For Her Dog Of 11 Years After First Being Denied
Lee DiBella wanted to publish an obituary for her beloved dog to show how much he meant to her, but the local newspaper said obituaries are for humans only. But a local TV station agreed to show it…
Family Abandons Pit Bull At Shelter Because He’s No Longer Worthy Of Their Love
After years of being nothing but the most loving dog to Mom and Dad and their four kids, Stormy the 2-year-old pit bull was abandoned by them at a high-kill shelter. The dog didn’t understand, and …
Dog Rebels Against Idea Of Puppy School By Chewing Up A Paper Towel Roll
Frank the Saint Bernard must’ve caught word that Mom was sending him to puppy school today for obedience training and took it out on a paper towel roll — and many other things! Mom walked in with t…
Family Abandons Pit Bull At Shelter Because He’s No Longer Worthy Of Their Love
After years of being nothing but the most loving dog to Mom and Dad and their four kids, Stormy the 2-year-old pit bull was abandoned by them at a high-kill shelter. The dog didn’t understand, and …
Dog Rebels Against Idea Of Puppy School By Chewing Up A Paper Towel Roll
Frank the Saint Bernard must’ve caught word that Mom was sending him to puppy school today for obedience training and took it out on a paper towel roll — and many other things! Mom walked in with t…
Yorkie Bitten In The Face By A Rattlesnake Who Was Coming For The Bird Feeder
Suri, a 7-pound Yorkshire Terrier, was attacked in her own backyard one day by a 6-foot long Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake. The dog had always played freely in the space and without worry, but it…
Sick, Injured Stray Wanders Up To A House In The Middle Of Nowhere
Sometimes it seems as if things just happen for a reason. And for one sick and injured dog, wandering up to this random home in the middle of nowhere is exactly what was supposed to happen and wher…
Dog Moves Into Neighborhood, Falls In Love With The Pooch Next Door
Lola and her mom, Amber Monte, moved into their new house outside of Surrey, England, recently. The Golden Retriever had never lived by any other dogs before, but Loki the Staffordshire Terrier was…
Frozen Banana Bites To Help Keep Your Dog Cool On A Hot Summer Day
Your dogs are sure to love these frozen banana treats from and author Kiki Kane, especially on those hot summer days! They are healthy, delicious, and refreshing.
The recipe calls for…
Mama Dog Back With Puppies Who Were Thrown Off Of A Bridge
Every animal who comes through the shelter has a sad story. Thankfully, these ones got a happy ending. A dog owner threw four 10-week-old puppies over a bridge, but they were discovered and saved b…
Locals See Truck Full Of Dogs Heading To A Meat Farm And Follow To Intervene
There’s nothing better than a good rescue story, and this is one of the biggest ones yet. And there’s a little surprise at the end.
Locals saw this cargo truck packed full of dogs passing by an…