August 10 Is National Spoil Your Dog Day!

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Did you know that today is National Spoil Your Dog Day?

For folks like us, that’s pretty much every day, but we dog people aren’t the sort to shy away from more excuses to shower our pups with adoration! did a survey in which American dog owners revealed the top ways in which they pamper their pooches:

Give my dog a special treat (60 percent)
Tell my dog, “I love you.” (49 percent)
Buy or make a special gift for my dog. (36 percent)
Post photos of my dog all over social media. (30 percent)
Include my dog in special activities. (25 percent)

The survey also listed the top five most dog-loving states based on how regularly dog owners in each state engaged in loving behaviors with their dog. These were:

New York

How do you spoil your dog? Share stories and pics in the comments thread!

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