All-around ‘happy’ dog lost home because family didn’t want responsibility anymore

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At seven years of age, an all-around “happy dog” lost her home because her family no longer wanted to be responsible for her. The heartbreaking upturn in Roxy’s life happened in April and today, months later, she still sits behind bars at a busy California animal control agency.

Who is this happy dog?

Roxy has charmed the volunteers at the Baldwin Park animal shelter. One of Roxy’s visitors wrote:

“Weighing 65 lbs, Roxy is an absolute sweetheart. It is no surprise she aced her shelter-administered temperament test. Roxy came right up to our volunteers with a wagging tail, she is just an all-around happy girl. She loves people, is great with other dogs and has lots of fun in the shelter run playgroups. Roxy is super easy to handle and seems to have a little training already as she knows how to “sit” on command, plus, she seems to be housebroken.”

Helping Roxy find her way home

How can it be that Roxy is still homeless? Do potential adopters see just another mixed breed dog? Is she too old, or too plain? Is she too average to make someone a fabulous companion? Who truly knows the answer…What is known is that Roxy needs a new family – sooner, than later!

You can help this happy girl find a home by networking her information. What does that mean? Share this article to your various social media accounts (Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook) and hopefully it will reach that one special person who is meant for Roxy.

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