This Aging Dog Was Heard Crying After Family Left Her For Younger Dog

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A 15-year-old cocker spaniel named Cookie was heard crying at a San Bernardino shelter after she saw her family leave her behind in favor of a younger dog.

Last year did not end well for a 15-year-old Cocker Spaniel in San Bernardino named Cookie. She and another dog had been picked up as strays after being found wandering around. But when the family arrived to claim the two dogs on December 30th, they decided to take the younger Labrador home and leave Cookie behind. According to witnesses, she cried as she saw them leave without her. News about her situation spread, and a rescue group found a foster home for her. The Miami Herald reports that she will not be made available for adoption because of medical issues; instead, she will remain permanently at the foster home. Rescuers note that it is not uncommon for people to abandon older dogs for younger ones.

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  1. Terri Barrow

    No, only disgusting, vile low life losers turn in old dogs. My baby is 16. SHE IS SIXTEEN! Incontinent but still my baby and I would NEVER EVER give her up.

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