After Being Dumped With Her Puppies, This Mama Dog Still Has Faith In Humankind When Rescued

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Hope for Paws has done it again! But this time, they saved more than just one life. They saved a whole family!

This family was abandoned in Los Angeles. Fortunately, a kindhearted real estate agent noticed them and called for help right away. When the rescuers arrived on the scene, they found the mother dog with her puppies. They named the mother, Sweetie. And just like her name, Sweetie is a sweetie, and she’s very friendly too! The poor thing was left without food or water. They took Sweetie and her family, and found her a foster home where she and her pups are well-fed and cared for. Check out the video below and see how adorable this family is!

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  1. monica

    She is a sweet dog and it makes me mad somebody abandon her should go to jail for that.I am happy that she is with a foster family and her babies and take care of them that is awesome.Hope of Paws that are awesome save animals they have a wonderful heart and I love the video they are so cute and playful.

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