Adorable: Therapy dog Spencer braves cold for Boston Marathon runners

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Have you ever seen anything this inspiring or adorable? In Holliston, Massachusetts, a therapy  dog named Spencer braved the cold and rainy weather to cheer his human friends onto victory at the Boston Marathon on Monday. With a rain jacket to keep him warm while holding the Boston Strong flag in his mouth on Patriots’ Day, runners passed him with smiles on their faces and love in their hearts.

Many thanks to Rich Powers who posted the video on his Facebook page. One runner yelled “I love him” as Spencer sat tall on a wooden box to be more noticeable and inspiring.

“My boy went national with ABC news. He loves to cheer on the runners and was so excited to get there today. Was happy to see the smiles on the runners as they saw him. had no idea it would get viewed by so many.”

Good boy Spencer.

Check it out – guaranteed to make you smile:

And then there is this video to add to the heartwarming scene:

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