Adorable Sleepy Dog Dozes Right Off Whenever Mom Sings Her This Special Song

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Have you ever known someone who is afraid of dogs? It is hard to imagine there are people out here who have never known the love of a dog. One woman spent her whole life afraid of dogs – that is until she met Tia, a Staffordshire bull terrier. She met Tia as a puppy and couldn’t help but fall madly in love!

When Tia was a puppy, her owner warmed up to her slowly by singing her songs and lullabies. Tia is now all grown up and is a part of the family! Every so often, Tia will still get a song from her owner! The dog’s reaction to the song is really precious. You won’t believe how cute Tia is when she hears the song!

Take a look at this video

If only we could get children to fall asleep this quickly with just a song! Sweet dreams Tia! Share away, people!

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