He adopted a mutt off the streets. When she gets a little older he realizes… oh my!

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A man heard of a homeless puppy up for adoption and decided to check her out. One look at her face, and he was stunned! Such a beautiful dog, but he couldn’t figure out what breed she was…

He brought the fluffy stray home and named her Phoebe.

She was an amazing dog with a great personality. But he never knew exactly what type of dog she was…

…Until she got a little bit older. It was then that he realized Phoebe is a Husky/Golden Retriever mix!

As she gets older and older, it’ll become more and more apparent. She’ll probably look a lot like this guy!

Another example of a Husky/Golden Retriever mix. Not as fluffy as Phoebe, but those eyes!

Isn’t Phoebe just a beautiful pup?? What a special rescue she turned out to be!

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