Abused Dog Found Dumped In A Plastic Bucket Gets Much-Needed Recovery Bath

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The video of Rudy the pit bull taking his special recovery bath took the internet by storm garnering over 9.2 million views! And no one deserved this love and attention more than Rudy who was found abused and neglected. Below, you can read his story in the words of S.N.A.R.R. Animal Rescue.

“Rudy was found in November, dumped in a plastic bucket in NYC, near death. S.N.A.R.R Animal Rescue Northeast was called by the city shelter and asked to help Rudy as he was in critical condition.”


“Rudy was severely emaciated, unable to walk, and covered in deep gaping wounds and holes. Literally holes on his entire body; some all the way down to his tendons and bones. We still do not know what caused them; could have been acid of some sort or cigarette burns. We will never know and quite frankly the thoughts are haunting. Rudy was missing almost all of his fur and what was left, was all dead at the root and fell out at his first bath. Rudy had a horrible fracture in his front leg, a tear in his bladder and what we came to find out was untreated Cushings disease. It is a miracle this broken boy survived. Other than being completely terrified and unsure of a kind human hand, Rudy was grateful and nothing but a lovebug from the minute we rescued him.

“He was moved into a medical foster home and has been recuperating there ever since. Rudy is now on meds for his Cushings, his hair is growing back from his special spa baths, and he has gained weight. His front leg still needs to be surgically repaired, but the vets feel Rudy is still not strong enough for surgery. Rudy is loved and spoiled by his amazing foster family and we expect him to make a full recovery.”

This poor boy would have to put a lot of time into his recovery before eventually being healthy enough to go on to his forever home. His reaction to the bath and sweet nature just show that pit bulls are often misunderstood. Great job by this rescue getting Rudy back on track and giving him a second chance at life.

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