A broken heart – senior dog returned to shelter after adopter’s landlord kicked her out
A senior dog has a broken heart after she was forced out of her new home and returned to the animal shelter where she was adopted from. According to the volunteer-run Facebook page, Saving Carson Shelter Dogs, the senior dog spent months behind bars last summer before someone finally decided to give her a home.
Everything fell apart when the person who adopted China (ID# A4110001) was forced to return her dog after the landlord said that the dog was not allowed. The Facebook page for dogs at the Carson animal shelter wrote:
CHINA spent last summer in the Shelter. After 3 months an adopter came and promised she would never be brought back. She was brought back today for landlord issues and her heart is completely broken. The look in here eyes is so painful to see. She needs help fast, She gets along with everyone.
What you can do to help China
China needs the help of strangers who are willing to share her adoption information.
🔹Pit Bull
AGE:8 years
🔹 Female (S)
🔹 ARRIVED:2/26
🔹 Carson Shelter – 310-523-9566
🔹 M-TH 12pm-7pm, F-SU- 10am-5pm
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💛 INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you are in LA, OC, San Bernadino, or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson dog, please visit www.carsonfosters.com to complete a foster application. It would save their life!
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