Fox Collapses After Head Gets Stuck In Jar, Farmer Grabbed A Hammer

A farmer and his son witnessed a harrowing sight: a small fox wandered onto their farm with a glass jar stuck on his head. The poor thing couldn’t eat or drink. The farmer was unsure if he could even breathe properly. It was only a matter of time before the fox suffocated or succumbed to starvation. The kind man and his child were not going to let that happen. It was obvious to them that the fox knew these were good souls who would help him. The fox was exhausted from trying to free himself from the jar and lay down on the concrete.

The farmer picked him up and tried to remove the jar, but it was clearly stuck. He wiggled it around while attempting to twist it. But it would not budge. The fox’s muffled cries were barely audible, yet they broke the man’s heart. He could not let this beautiful creature suffer.

He asked the boy to watch over the fox while he grabbed a hammer. But just when he placed the fox on the ground, a passing car spooked him. He was about to run when the farmer came back. The farmer grabbed him and held down the fox. He then broke the glass as carefully as he could.

The fox was so relieved to be free of the jar and happily scooted away. At the closing of the video, the man said, “That’s why people shouldn’t dump rubbish.” This experience surely proved that he is right.

We are eternally grateful for this rescue, and you will be too. If it weren’t for the man and his son, the fox wouldn’t have survived. We applaud their efforts! Click ‘play’ below to experience it for yourself.

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