Update: Senior dog who had ‘no one’ safe with Leave No Paws Behind

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A senior cocker spaniel was left at the Carson Shelter in California. He needed help today; he had “no one” but within a few hours Ollie’s luck has changed.

Earlier Friday morning, the animal rescue organization Leave No Paws Behind were preparing to help:

“I have no words, perhaps because there simply are no words, only tears. If he is still there this morning Leave No Paws Behind, Inc. will gift him his dignity and wrap him in loving arms so he does not leave this earth alone to die on a cold shelter floor. If, by some miracle of miracles, he can be helped, we will need a loving hospice foster in the So Ca area. Either way, if he can hold on, the LNPB loving team of angels will help him know that, no matter what, he is loved and that his life matters. Email info@leavenopawsbehind.com.”

Tragically, Ollie’s condition deteriorated in the last six months. Who would have known by looking at him that this dog was only eight-years-old? [Shelter listed his age at 15] Who would have known that just six months ago, he was adopted? His owner said Ollie went missing a month ago and showed up in the condition he is in today.

Ollie is now safe and will be evaluated by the organization’s veterinarian. The dog appears emaciated, has a mass on his anus and may have a dislocated or fractured jaw.

“His life for the last 6 months after he was adopted have been pure hell… No more worries sweet boy, you are now on board  the LNPB Freedom ride to The Pet Doctors of Sherman Oaks, and no matter what, you are no longer alone and so loved and today you know that your life matters.”

Check out his freedom video:


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