Trapped German shepherd and tortoise rescued from hole

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In Fontana, California, firefighters from San Bernardino County rescued a German shepherd and a 70-pound tortoise that became trapped in a tunnel under the neighbor’s backyard wall. The tortoise, named Godzilla, had dug the six-foot tunnel, and yes, it was all his fault.

In a press release from the San Bernardino County Fire Department, the incident occurred last Wednesday, when authorities were notified that an adult had fallen into the hole, but was able to escape unharmed. When crews arrived, they found a tunnel Godzilla had dug underneath the neighbor’s property, a concrete patio and another walkway. Godzilla and the shepherd named Taylor found themselves lodged underground about six-feet from the entrance. A blanket had been dragged into the tunnel, allegedly by the shepherd, which became wedged and tangled – resulting both Taylor and Godzilla getting stuck.

In order to get the duo out, firefighters removed dirt and coaxed the tortoise out with lettuce.

“In about 10 minutes firefighters were able to unwedge the animals and extract them out of the tunnel. Pictured you can see the end result with both Taylor squeezing by as Godzilla crawls towards the lettuce held by our firefighter. Neither appeared to be harmed. Both animals belonged to the property owners where the tunnel started.”

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