Homeless shepherd waits for owner who isn’t coming
A homeless German shepherd patiently waits inside of his kennel run at the Downey Animal Care Center for an owner who isn’t coming. The two-year-old dog, named Bear, has been at the busy California animal shelter since November 9 – and it is time for him to get out.
Bear’s Advocate
A shelter advocate for Bear writes:
He is the strong silent type. A loyal shepherd thinking an owner is coming back. Please share Bear.
But no one is coming for Bear and he needs the help of strangers to leave this busy facility. Please share Bear’s adoption information (by sharing this article!!) and help him find a loving home for the holidays. Networking saves lives!
Petharbor link for Bear here.
For more information about this animal, call:
Los Angeles County Animal Control – Downey at (562) 940-6898
Ask for information about animal ID number A5235415
German shepherds are incredibly loyal and intelligent dogs who make excellent companions. Shepherds thrive in homes where they get attention and exercise – they enjoy going for walks and joining in on obedience classes. The breed is protective by nature and absolutely devoted to their family.
Note: All inquiries about this shepherd must be directed to the animal control agency. ilovedogsandpuppies.com is not the point of contact for this dog.
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