Puppy Found On The Streets Gives Rescuers A Look As If He’s Asking For Help

Animal Aid found the sweetest little puppy one the streets and realized he was being tormented by mange. He looked at the rescuers with those puppy eyes as if to ask for help. Painful sores covered most of his body, and he needed help before it got any worse.

Rescuers transported the puppy back to their facilities in order to properly treat him. The secondary infections from mange are often fatal, so time was of the essence. The poor dog’s ears were already infected and bleeding from his constant itching.

Mange may have hurt and threatened the life of this young pup, but after a few weeks of treatment, take a look at the little Ray of sunshine! 😉

Thanks to Animal Aid Unlimited for the timely rescue of Ray! If you’d like to help them continue to rescue street animals, you can donate here.

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