Man Seen Catering To His Disabled Dog Is The Definition Of Love
Sabrina la Grotteria was out near her home in Italy when she saw something that touched her heart, so she took out her phone and recorded it. On a road in the city of Vibo Valentia was a man pushing his dog in a cart, and when they stopped, the older gentleman helped his disabled dog get up.
The clip is brief and from afar, but the tiny snippet of their daily routine is what love is all about.
With the woman’s video going viral, a local news outlet tracked the man and dog down to learn more about their story. The man is Tonino Vitale, and he has been walking his 13-year-old dog, Dylan, like this every day ever since the pup lost the use of his rear legs due to arthritis.
“With Dylan it was love at first sight, ever since it was born,” Tonino Vitale told the newspaper Il Vibonese, hoping the viral video sends a message. “For us, it is a normal gesture to love Dylan, but we are happy to let you know his story. It is a way to sensitize people to the importance of respecting the animals.”
The man’s love and compassion for his dog are very apparent in his actions. And the world could use a little more of both.
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