Fragile Newborn Puppy Discarded Like Trash on Romanian Street Faces Uphill Battle

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On a sidewalk in Romania a newborn puppy weighing 160 grams (less than a can of soda) was found lying vulnerable and abandoned in the middle of the city. Not being able to see or hear and having limited muscle function and no teeth, newborn puppies are extremely weak and helpless. This tiny infant was in a life threatening situation and would quickly die without help.

That’s when Howl of a Dog, an animal rescue based in Romania, took in the precious puppy and hurried to get him nourishment, warmth, and safety before it was too late. Orphaned puppies of this age are of great concern because their health is very delicate. They need to eat often, and they have no way of keeping themselves warm. For weeks, this little puppy, named Joy, received around the clock bottle feedings and plenty of time to sleep in a warm, safe bed, so he could grow.

After Joy started to develop the abilities to see, hear, and play, he befriended a trusty brother, his Siberian Tiger toy. He then graduated to bigger and more challenging playmates like the German Shepherd mix and Lab mix who shared Joy’s foster home. Joy showed that he is a tough, little fighter and held his own, wearing out the big dogs with his energy.

During the holiday season, Joy received the best Christmas present ever from an unlikely place. News was received from a couple named Ellen and Ricardo in the Netherlands that they wanted Joy for their very own. They were anxious to bring him home and immediately arranged a pick up spot for their newest family member. Ellen and Ricardo drove 2500km across the European continent to meet Howl of a Dog halfway and adopt both Joy and his loyal Siberian Tiger toy.

The puppy who was once thrown on the sidewalk like garbage, now found forever humans willing to travel the globe for him. Joy shares life with his new family in the Netherlands where he plays in the snow and enjoys walking along and playing in the water near his home. Ellen and Ricardo hope Joy’s story helps bring emphasis to the effort to, “Stress adoption first. Save a life.”

You can see more adorable pictures from Joy’s triumphant, international adventure in this video!

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