Dedicated Dog Owner Will Sell Everything She Owns To Save Dog’s Life
Dolly-Ann Osterloh may be the most dedicated dog owner in the world.
She adopted her pup, Snoopy, nine years ago from a kill shelter in New Jersey where he was kept in a birdcage after a family abandoned him in a trash can. She fell in love with his photo online and immediately made the trip to the shelter to adopt him. She writes, “Though he had been fiercely mistreated he never gave up hope and never lost his love for life. He has always been full of love, a humble creature who never barks or expects anything more than basic human kindness.”
Like other dogs, Snoopy has a big heart, but this might end his life.
Snoopy has mitral valve disease, a condition which has caused his heart to function poorly and grow much too big for his little body. There is a surgery that can save him, but for a dog his size, there is only one surgeon who can perform it, and that surgeon only has one available slot. The cost of the surgery will be over €30,000, but Dolly-Ann doesn’t feel that there is any price too high to save Snoopy.
Dolly-Ann is using everything she has saved. She has also taken out a bank loan and borrowed money from friends and relatives. She started a GoFundMe page that has yet to reach its goal. Her partner has created an online game to raise awareness about Snoopy’s situation. But even with a wonderful support system, and having exhausted every conceivable option, she still doesn’t have enough to pay for the surgery.
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