Obese Siberian husky surrendered to shelter after struck by golf club in the face
Two years ago, Belca had been on a walk with her owner when she sniffed another dog; moments later the owner of the other dog struck the Siberian husky in the face with a golf club.
Surrendered by her owner to Carson Animal Shelter in California on August 31, the six-year-old extremely sweet pup can not breathe through her nose at all.
Volunteers think the intense heat of the summer and her obesity has caused Belca to pant loudly – thus the reason her owners decided their dog was too much trouble – or just too noisy?
“This gentle beauty is so overweight, temperatures will be even hotter this weekend and she is stressing already. Please SHARE for her life, she’s SUCH an angel and a FOSTER or ADOPTER would save her. Thanks!
Check out the awesome Volunteers giving her a pool to cool off in.”
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