Rescue chimp reunited with caretaker after quarantine
“Reunited and it feels so good!” Manno was rescued from a trafficking situation in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan). It took three years, but they finally relocated Manno to Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Kenya. After months in quarantine with no outside contact, Manno and his rescuer were finally reunited…
What a heart-warming moment shared between the two of them. You can definitely tell the look of excitement wash over the faces of both the chimpanzee, as well as his rescuer. You can tell that these two have developed a bond with one another that will last a lifetime. The new power duo!
When an animal goes through a traumatic experience, it is not unusual for the animal and the rescuer to have a bond this strong. Kudos to the rescuer for getting him out of the trafficking situation!
Check out this heartwarming moment shared between a chimpanzee and his rescuer.
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