These Puppies Struggle Adorably to Stay Awake but it Doesn’t Seem to Be Working Very Well…
Hey there, Life With Dogs readers! Tonight, we have a special TRIPLE FEATURE for you! Tonight’s theme is adorable puppies trying so hard to stay awake, but for all their efforts, things don’t exactly seem to be coming up roses… Which puppy is your favorite? Do you have any silly videos of your puppies? Click here to share them with us on our Facebook page.
Our first video is of Leeloo the husky puppy. After a big afternoon on the town and having an awesome adventure with her humans, she just can’t keep her eyes open.
Our second puppy is this adorable little girl who is rapidly losing her fight to stay awake. Shure, the falling in and out of sleep is absolutely adorable, no question. However, those ears!!! We simply MUST have them!
Our final puppy trying desperately and failing miserably at staying awake past their bedtime is this little one here. It’s pretty clear that there’s about a ZERO PERCENT chance for this puppy to stay awake right from the get-go. We’re sure that all three of these puppies and super cute, however this one just might be our favorite.
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