Cats Who Are Determined To Nap Wherever They Want, No Matter Who’s In The Way
Cats are infamous – they are known for their ability to sleep on anyone, anywhere at anytime. Which means that Lucifer can even nap on you! And perhaps, his canine friends – these pictures below show you the sleeping patterns of how cats in general, sleep on dogs!
No bed? No problem – Fido is here for me to lie on.
Even a little kitten can lie on a big dog, too!
Is that a rug? Oh wait – its a brown dog he’s lying on!
White dogs such as this Samoyed make excellent cat-cuddling material!
This little kitten loves to snuggle during nap time with the family’s big dog – isn’t he a precious little thing?
Cats have the ultimate luxury – to curl up on top of a dog’s head!
Make space – there’s room for another cat on this dog!
Even dogs that closely resemble wolves aren’t spared, either!
You can tell that these two are the best of pals!
You stretch, I stretch too – on top of you, that is!
This isn’t a Shakespeare play – its CatDog, stacked.
Look at the little kitty by the corner!
Kitten throne right here – near his canine best friend’s belly!
This brown pair are just too adorable!
I bet that there’s only one kitten to begin – until the other decided to join him!
This bulldog is so gentle – his feline friend is fast asleep right beside him!
And who says that canines and felines cannot nap together?
Simba is seen playing pounce – and winning it.
Cats even lie on their buddies – in the park!
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