New Dog Mom “Gives” All of Her Puppies to Her Foster Mom
Grayce, a first- and only-time mom, just gave birth in her foster home a few days ago. While her foster mom was sitting on the floor, Grayce brought her puppies over one by one and put them in her lap. Maybe she was feeling overwhelmed and needed a puppy-sitter for a little bit, or maybe she was feeling really proud of her babies and wanted to show them off, but whatever the reason, this is insanely adorable!
Stevoni Wells Doyle said that Grayce had been neglected in her previous home, and “needed a safe environment to have her pups,” and she’s been in her Utah foster for about three weeks. On Sunday night, she gave birth to ten boys and one girl.
“I think she feels unsure still as a new mom,” Doyle The Dodo. “And she needed love and reassurance from someone she loves and trusts.”
Doyle was flabbergasted by the pit bull’s cute gesture. She’s cared for hundreds of dogs – not even including their puppies – in the 10 years she’s been a foster mom, but not one of them has ever done this.
“I was honored that she choose me to trust with her pups and herself. I’m still overwhelmed with her love.”
“She laid on me and wanted me to love her, too,” Doyle told KUTV. “She would crawl on my lap and nurse her puppies if I would let her.”
Most mother dogs, particularly first-timers and ones that have been in rough situations, are very protective of their young.
“She’s the first one that has ever brought them over and been like, ‘here you go.’”
Fostering puppies is not an easy thing to take on, especially when you have a full-time job and kids. It’s messy, stinky, and often heartbreaking, because many puppies die during delivery. However, helping out in this way is incredibly rewarding.
“I love it. It’s not easy – I’m not going to lie there – but it’s so worth it,” Doyle said. “There’s something about saving a dog’s life and giving affection. It’s so different when you have a pregnant mama.”
This experience has undoubtedly been the pinnacle of her fostering enterprise.
“She wants the reassurance that she’s doing the right thing. I’m honored that she chose me to do this with.”
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