29 Pictures That Reveal The Awesome Comforting Power Of Therapy Dogs
1. Peaches loves to cuddle with sick patients at this rehabilitation center
2. This “Super Mutt,” Joca travels all the way to Brazil to help children in need
3. Mia, the library pooch, assists children who struggle to learn how to read
4. After the Boston Marathon bombing, these two lovable retrievers, Luther and Ruthie, comforted the community in the hospital
5. …and on the streets
6. At some universities and colleges, therapy dogs help relieve stress for students who had to leave their beloved pets at home
7. They even get to play on campus with them
8. The Welcome Home Dogs Organization meets soldiers as they return home and also serve as PTSD aids
9. The bond between these two is unmistakable
10. Therapy dogs help fill in that emotional gap when other parts of us are taken away
11. Zoe brings love and wet kisses to soldiers stationed directly in Afghanistan
12. Anne-Belle, a lovable bulldog, helps seniors and those battling addiction issues
13. The Langley Air force base adores Molly and her cuddling company
14. This pooch is part of Fidos for Freedom, a non-profit in Maryland that offers dog therapy services to anyone who needs it within a 75-mile radius
15. You never know when someone needs the quiet care and attention of a loyal dog
16. Lacey struts about the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base hospital with plenty of love and tail wags
17. This Puerto Rican Siberian Husky Melody is a small celebrity in local children’s hospitals
18. Rackley, the goldendoodle, travels all over the south to offer her love and kisses
19. She is the very definition of a gentle giant
20. You don’t have to be afraid of the dentist when you have two adorable Yorkies, Beau and KJ to help you through
21. This golden retriever Hogan inspired Katie, a girl born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, to offer a rare smile of appreciation
22. Xander the pug may be blind, but he has a sixth sense to know when people are sad and need comforting
23. Spending weeks at Ground Zero, therapy dogs Tikva and Sophie comforted hundreds of people who needed the love and care…
24. …even if it was just a quick scratch on the head to relieve some stress
25. After the Sandy Hook shooting, therapy dogs were brought in to comfort the smallest witnesses
26. They provided comfort in ways that words cannot
27. They even got some children to laugh
28. Kobe is seen here at his retirement party. He worked for ten years as a therapy dog at the Berwyn school
29. Red likes to comfort those in retirement homes who simply want a little bit of company to pass the time
There are no real words for describing the comfort and peace that therapy dogs can give. For someone who is struggling or lonely, a visit from one of these spectacular four-pawed friends can make a wonderful difference.
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