23 Proud Mama Dogs And Their Insanely Cute (And Sometimes Crazy) Puppies

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Mama dogs, just like any other mothers, are very proud of their babies. All they want to do is show them off — no matter how silly they may be! Just take a look at these lovely families. 🙂

This puppy’s a little different. 😉

Cute puppies sleeping in a row. 🙂

“Look at our puppies!”

“Nap time must be over!”

“Don’t worry, there’s enough milk to go around!”

“Did everybody get enough?”

“Five puppies ready for cuddling!”

“They’re all mine. Every single one of them!”

“We’ll play in the snow after dinner.”

Don’t look away for a second, Mom!

“Do they look like me?” 🙂

“She has my eyes and fur pattern!”

The babies are color-coded and ready to go! 🙂

“Shhh… he’s sleeping.”

“Do you see them, do you see them??”

Family photo. 😛

“Here they are… 10 puppies!”

“You be careful with that!”

19 Look at that smile!

“Mom, can I have a sister?”

Feeding time!

Mom doesn’t mind being a pillow… 😉

…or a blanket!

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