22 dogs who can’t believe you just betrayed them by going to the vet
All dogs hate going to the vet. And that face they make when they realize they were betrayed is heartbreaking. But it’s for the best, doggies, we swear!
1) “Hold me closely and don’t let go.”
2) “No way! I remember this place…”
3) “I am NOT happy about this.”
4) “This looks familiar… wait a minute…”
5) “Do you have any idea what they do to me in there?”
6) “Take my paw!”
7) “But this doesn’t look like the park…”
8) “You cannot trick me again, human!”
9) “I can’t look, I can’t look…”
10) “You will pay for this.”
11) “Do puppy eyes work here?”
12) “This is not as comfy as my bed at home…”
13) “This is really going to happen, isn’t it?”
14) “Dang, you found me.”
15) “Maybe if we hide right here…”
16) “Nope, they definitely can’t see me.”
17) “Oh no…”
18) “What did I do? I promise I won’t do it again!”
19) “You created this sad puppy face.”
20) “I don’t know where the dog went…”
21) “You will not separate us!”
22) “Well, I DID trust you…”
It’s okay, they’ll forgive you… eventually.
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