15 Pets With Some Very Unusual Markings That You’ll Surely Love

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The 15 pets featured below have some of the most unique markings you’ll ever see. From perfect mustaches to exclamation-point butts, there’s a wide variety here. The photos will make you do a double take, and you won’t be able to help but smile! 🙂

These very full eyebrows.


Gringo’s perfect mustache!

This cat with a mustache and goatee.

“Just ran out of ink.”

This constant look of worry.

Exclamation-point butt (!)

Venus the two-faced cat.

This sweet, two-toned Pug face.

When Mickey Mouse has your back! 😉

Permanent stunned face.

This checkered face pattern.


A perfect heart on his side.

“A good boy wears a heart on his head”

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