These 12 Dogs Just Ruined Christmas In The Most Hilarious Ways
We have all heard the story of the Scrooge and the Grinch. They didn’t like Christmas and seemed determined to ruin the holiday for everyone. The twelve dogs in the pictures below also seem to have an issue with Christmas. It is as if they were hired to ruin the special day – or maybe they just thought all the brightly colored stuff were just new toys!
In any case, these dogs were all caught being naughty and won’t have many presents under the tree this year.
1. This dog killed Santa!
2. That book won’t be giving anyone any trouble!
3. No more Elf on the Shelf!
4. The tree… it just, um, fell over.
5. This dog is taking lessons from the family cat!
6. Partners in crime. Who can blame them?
7. This dog knows how to open presents. Next year, they will work on his timing.
8. It bet the Gingerbread house was delicious!
9. How thoughtful this dog was – new carpet for the family!?
10. A tree is a tree. If they left the tree outside, it is likely that this dog wasn’t the only one to relieve himself on it.
11. This dog ate a Lowes gift card, a $75 check, and a PF Chang’s gift card. Expensive taste!
12. This dog just can’t help himself!
Maybe there are some lessons we can get from these pictures. Share these funny photos with your friends and be sure to watch your dogs around the Christmas decorations! Share away, people!
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